Friday, May 18, 2007

Nasty and kinda nice

I have not been able to stop thinking about this place since I went with Tim a few weeks ago. And even though it's disgusting, I almost want one of these.
I have just learned how to link, and I like it.


er said...

you have learnt how to link - i have learnt how to leave you messages!
this is disturbing, yet strangely compelling (taxidermy not our new-found abilities)

Jellygirl said...

Look at you, clever clogs. Isn't it silly how cool you feel when you master one of these computer tricks? Especially when you realise how easy it really is...

Anonymous said...

EEEEEEUUUHHHHH!!! Are live rodents not enough?! (OK...I admit he is kinda cute...) xxx

Jellygirl said...

My hams are lovely, thank you. Except when they bite.